Episode 36
John Crepezzi
October 17th, 2019
1 hr 1 min 22 secs
About this Episode
John is a Ruby developer at GitHub, based in New Jersey. He’s got a ton of
other interests including wood & metal working, climbing, beer making, drumming, and his family.
Show Notes
- Phil Sturgeon
- The other seejohnrun
- GothamGo 2019: Interacting with Custom-Made Hardware in Go
- Leaning Tower of Pisa
- Aaron Patterson
- Chevrolet C-10
- Yak Shaving
- Lathe
- SawStop demonstration video
- Alex Honnold
- Mr. Beer
- Jimmy DiResta
- The Da Vinci Code
- Grandfather and father
John Crepezzi
Parallel Passion
- Philip Swinburn for the header photo
- Tina Tavčar for Parallel Passion logo
- Jan Jenko for intro/outro music